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Meeting in frame of the Programme "Greening Economies in the Europian Union's Eastern Partnership Countries" (EaP GREEN)


14 August 2013, Kyiv. Meeting in frame of the Programme "Greening Economies in the Europian Union's Eastern Partnership Countries" (EaP GREEN) took place in the RECPC. The Programme was presented by Rene Van Berkel, Chief of the Cleaner and Sustainable Production Unit at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Mr. Van Berkel explained goals and objectives, countries-recipients, partners, role of the RECPC Ukraine in this Programme, industries for implementation and achieved results of the Programme for econimic growth support ( please, see presentation ).

Additional information about EaP GREEN you can find following the link: http://www.oecd.org.s30.ru.wbprx.com/env/outreach/eapgreen.htm

Also Rene Van Berkel introduced UNIDO developments on Eco-Industrial Parks ( please, see presentation )

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