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Sharing best practices in resource-efficiency and cleaner production with business enterprises in Lviv region


Starting from now the ecologists and industrialists in Lviv region will be able to learn and implement best world practices in running production process and farming-based on resource-efficient and cleaner production approach. Appropriate arrangements were fixed in Cooperation Agreement signed on January 10th, 2017, between RECP Centre and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources at Lviv Regional State Administration.

The Parties within Cooperation Agreement framework agreed to join efforts in implementing common objectives to improve environmental and economic performance of the industry and increase investment attractiveness of the region.



Within Agreement terms the Parties intend to involve enterprises, companies and entrepreneurs in Lviv region to implement projects focusing on resource and energy efficiency (within UNIDO Project), both bilateral and within regional programs; organize trainings and information seminars in the field of resource efficiency and cleaner production for managers and ecologists in Lviv region. In the nearest future the Parties will prepare a Cooperation Road Map (CRP) and form up a schedule of events for the 2017. 

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